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Armchair With New Upholstered Fabric | Jindřich Halabala | Up Závody | Czechoslovakia | 1950s

Anatomical Plaster Bust | Louis M. Meusel | Sonnenberg | Germany | 1920's

André Costa | My height | 2020 | acrilic on plaster | 175x53x10cm


Fronteiras / Boundaries | Sept 30th 2021 | Miguel Card, Tiago Moço, Pedro Fragoso




This exhibition featured a selection of pieces that navigate between the abstract and the figurative. The spectator/observer also navigates between the free form that allows the total freedom of an interpretation, and the familiar form that manipulates it. The result is an interpretive experience between the invisible but prominent line that divides the clear and objective from the subjective world of imagination and possibility. Thus, both the work and the audience, walk from one side to the other, crossing and crossing borders, these lines that once contributed to a cultural differentiation and that today allow themselves to step, surpass, towards a free and unprejudiced culture.

Walking on the sidelines, crossing borders is not rebellion but freedom.

Biografias ARTISTAS


Pedro Fragoso aka morro acima


From Alentejo, this artist grew up in a city where hip-hop culture already had some expression. At age 13, his painting journey started, under a more urban narrative, entering the visual arts world through graffiti. 

Through time, the artist started to incorporate what really fascinates him: the metropolitan psychedelic, the aesthetics of chaos and the confrontation with the uncontrollable. Between the City and the Countryside and vice versa, he found a reason to create dialogues - in music and in the visual arts universe. Self-taught rummer and percussionist since a child, he inevitably has rythm but also the colour of the landscape as vehicles, both related to the speed of things. The impression of a place that absorbs us by its characteristics and welcomes our steps at the same time.

A time to generate behaviour. There is ephemerality and future, birth and trampling. (his) world broken into pieces and pieces trying to elevate (his) world.


Tiago Carvalho  aka o moço


Tiago Moço nascido em 1988 na cidade de Lisboa, lembra-se que desde criança ficou impressionado com os graffitis que via na linha do comboio no trajeto que fazia para a escola, o que o fez começar a pintar nas paredes por volta de 98. Mais tarde frequentou também a escola de artes António Arroio. O seu trabalho é um reflexo das suas vivências e do seu trajeto de vida, transpõe aquilo que sente para o papel e para a tela de uma forma crua e despretensiosa utilizando diferentes cores,meios e técnicas que conferem uma singularidade única às suas obras.


Miguel Cardoso


Miguel Card (1991), artista plástico português. Faculdade de Belas-Artes da UL de 2009 a 2013. Tem exposto em diversas exposições de grupo em Berlim e Lisboa. O trabalho percorre várias técnicas desde a pintura, escultura à video-art, focando-se inicialmente numa procura desses pequenos pedaços espalhados no próprio ser. Da urgência interior furada pela "vida real" de um jovem não estabelecido, iniciou-se um novo percurso, o qual, inspirado ou extasiado, foi bombardeado pelas impressões recolhidas em cada experiência que atravessava, seja temporadas na Califórnia ou num emprego aeroportuário. Esta viagem entre universos flui de modo orgânico e é plasmada na tela, numa dualidade que impele a fugir à finitude do querer ser. Focando-se em temáticas que navegam entre cidade e natureza, unindo-se numa dança da vida carimbada num espólio por catalogar, exploratório como um Marco Polo mas ambíguo como preto e branco onde perdura a cor, continuando na procura das certezas irracionais. Não reflecte o meio nem o produto, mas o processo; sim, quase explorador.


Miguel Card (1991), Portuguese plastic artist. UL Faculty of Fine Arts from 2009 to 2013. Has exhibited in several group exhibitions in Berlin and Lisbon. The work covers several techniques from painting, sculpture to video art, initially focusing on a search for these small pieces scattered in the being itself. From the inner urgency pierced by the "real life" of an unestablished young man, a new journey began, which, inspired or ecstatic, was bombarded by the impressions collected in every experience he went through, whether it was seasons in California or in an airport job. This journey between universes flows organically and is shaped on the screen, in a duality that drives one to escape the finitude of wanting to be. Focusing on themes that navigate between city and nature, uniting in a dance of life stamped in an uncataloged estate, exploratory as a Marco Polo but ambiguous as black and white where the color lasts, continuing in the search for irrational certainties. It does not reflect the medium or the product, but the process; yes, almost explorer.
